Public API
21 July 2021

Summer, beach, vacation πŸΈπŸŒ΄β˜€οΈ

Beach Photo by Artiom Vallat on Unsplash

Summer is usually about holiday and relaxation. We are finally able to breathe more freely after a year of quarantine and isolation, but we have not stopped working completely. Here are the features we added and changes we made:

[email protected]

Our richtext editor uses lazy-loading from now on: 1355

It uses localized string resources (English and Hungarian languages are available) 1351

Has a new feature: table insertion and editing πŸŽ‰ 1371

Editor table

[email protected] and @sn-blog-gatsby

We have moved the sn-blog-gatsby component from our monorepo to an independent github repository as gatsby-starter-sensenet-blog. We made some bugfixes on the source plugin as well. 1367

❗❗ We also have really sad news: two of our members left the team this month. 😒🎈

We will miss you guys: Aniko & Zoli. We wish you all the best in the future!⭐